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太原哪里有雅思课 2024年太原哪里有雅思课

放大字体  缩小字体    更新日期:2024-07-05 14:57  来源:太原雅思培训机构  作者:李老师  浏览次数:522
核心提示:问答标题:太原哪里有雅思课 2022年太原哪里有雅思课太原雅思是太原雅思培训机构的重点专业,太原市知名的雅思培训机构,教育培训

问答标题:太原哪里有雅思课 2022年太原哪里有雅思课


太原哪里有雅思课 2022年太原哪里有雅思课


例:Yesterday, John pained boxes at an average rate of 10 minutes per box. Ann painted boxes at an average rate of 15 minutes per box. If they both painted boxes at these respective rates for an hour, what is

太原哪里有雅思课 2022年太原哪里有雅思课

4. Jean Valentine's daughter said that she had decided to write another book, although no publication date was given.

(E)like a medical student's

例:After years of research on the dogs and wolves, scientists are confident that their resemblance is very obvious.


11. Like most foreigners,the city's local customs baffled the Greg for a few days.




7. A car traveled 10 miles at an average speed of 20 miles per hour and then traveled the next 10 miles at an average speed of 40 miles per hour.

7. This is a copy of catalog. It will give a good idea of the products we handle.
8. Won’t you have a look at the catalogue and see what interest you?
9. That is just under our line of business.
10. What about having a look at sample first?
11. We have a video which shows the construction and operation of our latest products.
12. The product will find a ready market there.
13. Our product is really competitive in the world market.
14. Our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad. They are very popular with the users there.
15. We are sure our products will go down well in your market, too.
16. It’s our principle in business “to honor the contract and keep our promise”.
17. Convenience-store chains are doing well.
18. We can have anther tale if anything interests you.
19. We are always improving our design and patterns to confirm to the world market
20. Could you provide some technical data? We’d like to know more about your products.
21. This product has many advantages compared to other competing products.
22. There are certainly being problems in the sale work at the first stage. But suppose you order a small quantity for a trail.
23. I wish you a success in your business transaction.

24. You will surely find something interesting.
25. Here you are. Which item do you think might find a ready market at your end?
26. Our product is the best seller.
27. This is our newly developed product. Would you like to see it?
28. This is our latest model. It had a great success at the last exhibition in Paris.
29. I’m sure there is some room for negotiation.
30. Here are the most favorite products on display. Most of them are local and national prize products.
31. The best feature of this product is that it is very light in weight.
32. We have a wide selection of colors and designs.
33. Have a look at this new product. It operates at touch of a button. It is very flexible.
34. this product is patented
35. The functioning of this software has been greatly improved.
36. This design has got a real China flavor.
37. The objective of my presentation is for you to see the product’s function.
38. The product has just come out, so we don’t know the outcome yet.
39. It has only been on the market for a few months, bust it is already very popular.


I left home at 5:00 in the morning so as to be there on time.



(D)in either Europe or Asia



任何一篇作文都离不开开头,英文叫Introduction Paragraph。





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